The Busy Season
Real Estate Professionals can start to prepare right now for the ‘busy’ season in a variety of ways and create a plan that will set them up for success when the flowers begin to bloom.
The first rule of thumb is understanding that ‘springtime’ in real estate actually starts in January. Most data indicates that there's usually a burst of activity right after the first of the year as some buyers were simply waiting for the holidays to be over. We might experience a small lull or leveling off soon after but it typically ramps up in May again when many sellers have gotten their homes ready to list. The busy buying and selling season then continues pretty strongly through the summer. So, while it may not be the best time of year to buy or sell a house (more on this later), it’s certainly the busiest time for a real estate professional. Preparing for this time is essential if you want to stay ahead of the curve and, it's actually quite easy if you build a routine with a few simple steps to turn many of these ‘tire-kickers’ into potential buyers:
- Financial- Take a look at your finances from the previous year and see where you allocated your marketing dollars effectively. Where can you save? Where can you spend?
- Educate Yourself- Research market conditions weekly, and not just your local market but the housing market as a whole. Find out what has changed, what is to come, new strategies, new trends and what other top-selling agents are doing succesfully.
- New Technologies- What are the newest technologies driving the digital change in real estate? How can you utilize them to grow your personal brand?
- Social Media- Social Media is no longer an option for real estate professionals. Use different social media platforms to post listings, grow your network and attract new clients.
- Utilize Free Resources- What sort of resources are at your disposal that can boost your personal business? What free resources does NAR offer? Your brokerage? Realty ONE Group is known for its unique and exceptional service offerings.
- Consider a Different Commission Model- Now is a great time to look at your commission model and see if it is working for you. Perhaps you should consider a 100% commission-based model where you can save more and reinvest back into your business.
- Trends of the Local Market- What is going on in your local market? Is there a new school being built or new attractions and amenities in the neighborhoods you work?
- Check out the Competition- What are your competitors doing and is it working? Learning from the competition is an excellent way to build on your own personal success.
- Goals for Next Year- If you haven't already, create a list of goals for yourself so you can track your progress and stay on top of what needs to be done throughout the year.
With 2019 already underway, now is the perfect time for YOU to start preparing for the busiest season of the year. It’s not too late, but soon it will be! Use our tips to prepare and get ahead of the market. This is going to be your year!